Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Welcome Tamsyn!

I've been so focused on my Flickr project that I haven't had time to write about my first grandchild. She's now two weeks old and she's such a darling. She's a familiar baby - the same beautiful smooth head that all my children have had and that same delicious baby skin smell!

I found it quite an anxious day when Fer was induced. It was not that I was worried about her or the baby but rather that I was more or less imagining and following the whole labour process all day. It was a relief to get Ant's progress report and then, finally, Fer's phone call as she nursed her little daughter. We visited the next day for our first cuddle but hospitals are not the best place to get to know the new little person. So on Sunday we took the new change table in to Howick Street and had our first afternoon with Tamsyn. We might have had to share her with other people but who cares!

We've got the dearest little grandaughter!


Fer said...


As I sat reading this, our little girl was happily filling her nappy!!

She's such dear thing, can't help but love her, and we'll get some more quality grandparents days from her yet.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, and enjoy!
