Monday, 14 April 2008

Holy cow!

The next school project is the painting of Del, the lifesize fibreglass cow, which has to be completed before judging at Agfest in May.

She's a beautiful beast, with soulful brown eyes and anatomical details absolutely correct. One suspects that the original cast was taken from a real cow. She won't of course, continue to look so beautiful. She's got to be artistically adorned and thus will descend into the Andy Warhol halucinatory lifestyle and will become host to a rotary dairy and other sundry attractions. But the first step has been taken and I have a whole day tomorrow to take her a step further and break the back of the project, so to speak!


Fer said...

Should be a moo-ving experience! ha ha ha.

Hope this one doesn't end up out the front of the Gunn's office like past cows have!!

The Exton Gardener said...

Those Gunn's cows are examples professionally done. All the others are going to Agfest for judging and after that they'll be displayed at Ashgrove Cheese farm. There'll be a popular choice award. Wish us luck!