Thursday, 21 February 2008


On our way back from shopping in Launceston one day last week, we stopped at Westbury for supplies. As I was entering the supermarket sirens started to wail. Two young chicks on bikes nearby said, "Oooh, an ambulance. Let's go and see."
My thought was , "Fire trucks have the sirens," and thought no more about it as the siren receded into the distance.

But ten minutes later, as we drove down Exton Road to home, there were flashing lights in our front farm paddock and there were three fire trucks hosing down the last of a big grass fire!

It had started where Drew had burnt some rubbish a week before when we'd had some showewry weather. He'd noticed it was still smouldering a few days later and had been down several times to make sure that it was out. But it had laid low and waited its chance. Our tenants had noticed it burning the grass and had gone down and put it out, but a little secondary finger of fire had been caught by the breeze and swept it into the blackberries. After that it was beyond them and they called the fire brigade. They arrived just as it had leapt the road and was moving towards the neighbour's poppy crop. Luckily they had it all under control in a matter of minutes.

It's such an embarassing and blatant landmark for now for Drew, but at least it has cleaned up a fire hazard!


Fer said...

Bugger! Good way to clear up the blackberries too!

Anonymous said...

Ooh wow, that could have been bad, 'specially if it had reached the poppies. Glad to hear nothing worse happened than a bit of landscaping!
